Ton van Geelen

Ton van Geelen (48) paints what he loves, what fascinates him. He is attracted by original countries, colourful people, feelings arising from music and sensuality, untouched cultures and virginal landscapes. As an artist he usually does not choose for the easiest way. For him painting means a long fermentation process of personal experiences, feelings and impressions of travels, which in time will transform into images. His art is a search for images of landscape and an unsuspected multicultural identity. More often than not the paintings refer to concrete images and subjects.

The quality of Ton’s work lies in his special instinct to catch light and the effects of light “Colour arises out of light”.

Important artistic projects of Ton van Geelen:
‘Impressions of the Seasons’(2001, Seoul, South Korea); ‘The DJ Johan Gielen Art Collection 2003′; ‘My trip to Mysteryland 2010’ (ID&T Events – Amsterdam); ‘TON VAN GEELEN ARTISTIEK DAGBOEK VAN EEN CREOOL’ (Artistic biography published in 2010); ‘Deventer 2012/2013’ (Netherlands); ‘Hello Sunshine 2013’ (Saint Petersburg, Russia).

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