1940: Born in Perm
1962-1968: Art and graghic faculty at the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute named
after A.I. Herzen
1963-1973: Studied paintery culture under Vladimir Sterligov’s (1904-1973)
1969: discovered a new figurative state – “ruptured space and time” – and continues
to develop it further
1976-1980: developed and verified a practical plan and methodology for studying
the problems of form and color
1977: deduced a new figurative device – “form creates form” – form surrounding
1986 (up to now): classes for young artists
1995: Art Group “FORM+COLOR”
1998: Art Unino “FORM+COLOR”
Member ot the Artists’ Union of Russia, “Free Culture” Society
The artisis’ works are in the museum and private collections in Russia and abroad.