Lucy Besson

1959: Born in Novokoeznetsk, Siberia, Russia

1976-1980: Academy of Fine Arts, Kemerovo, Russia

1982-1987: Stroganov Academy of Industrial Art & Design, Moscow, Russia Since 1991: Living and working in The Netherlands

Exhibitions and films presentations:

2013: Exhibition “Man and his Environment”, Krayenhoffkazerne, Nijmegen, NL Art exhibition & screening of the film “Create Your Personal Myth” in the Art House “Villa-LUX” (Art-Diner Project), Nijmegen 

Screening of the film “Babette Degraeve” in Villa LUX (Art-Diner Project)

Disciplines : Painting, photography, audio-visual media.

Member of : GBK (Society of Fine Artists of Province Gelderland, NL),  

FNN (The Association of the film makers in Nijmegen, NL)

Studio address : “Krayenhoffkazerne”, Molenveldlaan 120, 6523 RN Nijmegen, NL tel.: +31 (0)618711642,